A conversation about Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) in the RSE community

Reflections on successes and challenges


Ella Kaye

Malvika Sharan


July 31, 2024

slides materials video


Ella Kaye (Research Software Engineer, University of Warwick) and Malvika Sharan (Senior Researcher – Open Research at the Alan Turing Institute and co-lead of The Turing Way) will converse about their experiences in/with the RSE community, as well as both the challenges and successes they’ve encountered when working to improve EDIA. They will discuss the importance and difficulties of community-building and why it matters from an EDIA perspective. They will also consider the intersectionality between developing an RSE identity and their identities as members of groups under-represented in the broader RSE community. There will be time for questions and further discussion.

Event details

Event: DiveRSE, part of the seminar series

Date: July 31st, 2024

Time: 15:00

Location: Zoom


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BibTeX citation:
  author = {Kaye, Ella and Sharan, Malvika},
  title = {A Conversation about {Equity,} {Diversity,} {Inclusion} and
    {Accessibility} {(EDIA)} in the {RSE} Community},
  date = {2024-07-31},
  url = {https://ellakaye.co.uk/talks/2024-07-31_diverse-conversation/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Kaye, Ella, and Malvika Sharan. 2024. “A Conversation about Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) in the RSE Community.” July 31, 2024. https://ellakaye.co.uk/talks/2024-07-31_diverse-conversation/.